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Having fun at Zao is one of our values. We’ve put limited animated flourishes throughout our site to communicate our love of levity. We also recognize that onscreen movement is not fun or possible for everyone. We've turned off all our animations for you per your browser's request to limit motion. That said, we don't want you to miss out on the party.

Here's a funny joke to enjoy!

Where does the General keep his armies?

In his sleevies!

#BeachPress 2013!

Beach House + WordPress + Co-working awesome dev sauce.

Ever wondered how fun it would be to have a bunch of WordPress developers co-working together at the beach? Me too!

Join us from May 27th through May 30th in beautiful Rockaway Beach, OR for a couple of days of pure, unadulterated WordPress goodness.

Have a plugin you’re working on? A new theme? Maybe a SAAS or a client project? My core belief with this experiment is that when we gather different people with different areas of knowledge together in an incredible setting – only good things can come of it.

Granted, it’s Oregon – so the weather could be crazy – but I think if you’re from the Pacific Northwest, you’re probably kind of used to that already 🙂 I think it will be worth the awesome camaraderie and awesome dev time together to give it a go.  We have a magnificent beach house tentatively lined up (seriously, check out the photos), home-cooked meals and decent WiFi and beer. Can’t ask for much more.

Did I mention that it’s donation-based?  If you can’t afford to spend a dime, but still want the awesomeness that will most certainly come with the environment – no worries, you’re still welcome!  Naturally, if you can give any amount at all – that’s totally appreciated and will help offset the costs of the event.  The cost per person is about $170 for those wanting to know a suggested donation amount.

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  1. I’m outta town until the 25th. Obviously, don’t expect you to move the date for me, but anytime after the 25th would work awesome for me 🙂

  2. Wouldn’t be opposed to that at all – would love to have you there – looks, at the moment, like the 27th to the 30th would work. Checking with Daniel Bachhuber on Twitter to make sure that didn’t present any conflicts internally for them – they had issues with the original date, too.

  3. If Memorial Day itself is an issue (I could see people taking long weekends), you could just shift it one day, 28th-31st?

  4. That’s awesome! What a beautiful spot!! Are you planning on bringing your family Justin? The price is per night right?

    1. Hey Tanner!

      My wife and I are still chatting about it – we’d both love our whole family to, but we’re just thinking through logistics at the moment 🙂 If you want to bring your family, you should definitely feel free to! I think it would be awesome. The suggested price is per-person, not per-night – so it’s for the whole 3-4 days.

  5. @Grant – (Odd that 2013 doesn’t have comment replies) – I actually had the same thought, but the house isn’t available on the 31st.

    If we only had < 10 people, there' s quite a few more options, but frankly, I'd prefer a bit of a larger group (15-21). I just think it is a more interesting, dynamic group size for something like this. But if starting on the 27th means a majority of people can't make it - we'll definitely figure out a way to shift it. But, the reality is that the 28th, 29th and 30th would still be 3 full, awesome days - if people need to come on the 28th instead of the 27th due to holiday stuff - they can totally do that 🙂

  6. @Tanner – ha, totally understand! Chatted some more, and we’re on board! The whole family will be there – would love to have yours as well. The kids and wives will have a great time together, I’m sure.

    1. Awesome, Matthew! Looking forward to having you. Let me know if you’re looking for any clarification on details, I think everything in the post is pretty firm currently.

  7. I have prior engagements Memorial Day weekend, but I’ll try to make it by the evening of the 27th if there will be a party. Otherwise, I’ll be there Tuesday though Thursday.

    1. Awesome, looking forward to having you – not sure what the festivities the first night will entail, but come whenever you can, we’ll have food and beer waiting 🙂

      1. The way I figure it, we who are embeardened are essentially bringing parasites/symbiotes with us so… wouldn’t such an amalgamate organism technically count as one attendee? Or at most, like… an extra +0.5 or so? But only for really big super-beards. And we round down unless the beards get swag, too. Otherwise, there might be angry beards. Nobody wants to make the beards angry.

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