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Having fun at Zao is one of our values. We’ve put limited animated flourishes throughout our site to communicate our love of levity. We also recognize that onscreen movement is not fun or possible for everyone. We've turned off all our animations for you per your browser's request to limit motion. That said, we don't want you to miss out on the party.

Here's a funny joke to enjoy!

Do you know why you never see elephants hiding up in trees?

Because they’re really good at it.

Category Archives: General


One of the questions business owners get asked all the time:  What advice would…

Our Audience

Blogging is sort of amazing to me. Don’t get me wrong – I…

Welcoming Mihai!

Every now and then, you connect with people that are both humble and…


Today, Zao turns ten years old. Even typing those words feels a bit…